Happy 2021
2021 is here! May every one of us be lifted with the light, surrounded by the light and may the light inside you be a great force for a better future for us and our world.
We can do it step by step.
We don’t like to wear a mask? neither does our world!We pollute the air with toxic fumes- We created a mask for the atmosphereWe pollute the waters with toxic fluids- We created a mask for the oceans, seas, rivers andlakesWe pollute our land with toxic trash-We created a mask for our land and it is […]
Some Thoughts
We need to step away from social media, and remember that if we do connect yourselves to the screen, especially our children-Make it quality time. Come up on top, not addicted. Be creative, not hooked. Experience positive information that contributes to your growth. Behind every social media app and services, there are psychologists who know […]
Blog Coming Soon
Stay tuned.